
How to get rid of kidney stones permanently?

rid of kidney stones

Get rid of Kidney stones Permanently. Kidney stones form as a result of excess minerals that are not flushed out of the body. These minerals gradually stick inside the kidneys and turn into hardened masses called kidney stones. The condition may not cause any symptoms for a long time, such stones are called silent stones. But once a stone moves in the kidney or travels down the urinary tract, the sudden painful symptoms can emerge. The kidney stone pain comes and goes in waves, making a person miserable to even stand properly. The person must be rushed to a doctor in such a scenario.

Following are the common symptoms of kidney stones:

How are kidney stones treated?

Depending upon the severity, size, and location of the kidney stone, there are a  number of effective treatment options available. The kidney stone treatments range from proper fluid intake and home remedies to medications to surgical procedures.

In the case of very small kidney stones, complex treatments are not required. Just drink plenty of water and follow your doctor’s instructions to pass the stone. If you want to flush the stone out faster, you can ask your doctor for medications.

However, these home remedies and medications may not work in the severe cases of kidney stones. For the treatment of kidney stones in these cases, surgery may be the better option.

When does kidney stone surgery become necessary?

Kidney stone surgery becomes necessary if the following conditions arise:

At first, the thought of undergoing surgery for kidney stones may seem to be a little scary. But you will be relieved to know that now you can say goodbye to kidney stones without any pain, discomfort or inconvenience.

The advanced kidney stone treatment procedures for permanent relief

The advancements in the field of technology and medicine have brought a number of innovative surgical techniques into existence. Shock wave lithotripsy, laser lithotripsy and laparoscopic surgery are examples of these surgical advancements for the permanent treatment of kidney stones.

The above three are the most modern procedures for kidney stone removal. In laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon inserts a lighted laparoscope into the urinary tract through a minor incision in the lower abdomen or groin region. The doctor then locates the stone, removes it and then closes off the incision. 

In shock wave lithotripsy, the surgeon uses pulses of shock waves to crush the stone into smaller pieces so that they can be easily flushed out. Similarly, in laser lithotripsy, laser energy is used to crush the stone. 

Benefits of choosing a modern surgery for kidney stone treatment

All the three advanced treatments for kidney stones are least invasive and have a success rate as high as 100 percent. Since these procedures are performed under the influence of anesthesia, they are absolutely painless and trouble-free. Moreover, there is nil risk of complications after the procedure. The recovery is very fast and with just a few precautions, you’ll recover completely in 3-4 days.

Where can you get the surgery done?

A number of hospitals and urologists offer these advanced kidney stone treatments nowadays. But the catch lies in choosing a reliable and trustworthy healthcare provider. One such healthcare provider that you can consult for the treatment of kidney stones in Bangalore and other metro cities is Pristyn Care. They are associated with the best urologists in Bangalore and offer the advanced surgical procedures at affordable rates. You can book your appointment online, visit one of their specialists and then receive the treatment at a nearby Pristyn Care partner hospital.

Some health tips that doctors advise to follow after the kidney stone treatment:
Take Away

So, now you can bring an end to your days of pain and misery due to kidney stones. Make good use of all the information that we shared here. You can also pass on this information to anybody around you suffering from kidney stones. Encouraging the right steps to get the treatment in time is highly necessary. Let’s choose good health and right treatment over avoidance and worries. 

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