Engine repair by yourself

by in Repair

Many people think that doing an overhaul of the engine with their own hands is cheaper than going to a service station. But this is not always the case. For example, in some cases, it will be necessary to sharpen and refine the cylinder mirrors, as well as to replace the piston rings. At home, it is extremely difficult to perform such operations as sharpening cylinder mirrors and requires special devices, which are often very expensive. Therefore, in such a case, it is better to go to a service center.

For its part, JunkCarsUs notes that also during the overhaul at the service stations, the alternator, distributor, and starter of your car are diagnosed. If any faults are found, they will be replaced.

How to repair the engine

For those who are not afraid of difficulties, we have prepared a small guide on how to repair the engine:

  1. It is necessary to remove the engine from the car. For the “heart” of our car to lose weight, it will be necessary to dismantle some units. We disconnect the carburetor, remove the cylinder head cover, disassemble the alternator, disconnect the gearbox, remove the manifold, then disassemble the flywheel and clutch. After that, unscrew the pads and take out the “engine”.
  2. To get access to the pistons and crankshaft, it is necessary to remove the crankcase cover. Next, unscrew the connecting rods. Having access to the pistons, take them out. Then the piston pins must be removed from the pistons. It will now be necessary to remove the crankshaft as well as its liners.
  3. Carefully inspect for wear on the crankshaft journals as well as the liners. If necessary, they will need to be reamed. Don’t forget to also buy new liners, piston rings, and pins.

After purchasing the necessary spare parts, let’s start assembling the “engine”:

  • Do not expose the car to high loads after the repair. To begin with, a good warm-up of the engine. Start the engine and give it ten minutes of idle, then turn off and cool. Such manipulations should be done several times. Then give the “heart” about ten hours of idle work. Only after that, you can go on the road.
  • Do not accelerate the car more than forty kilometers per hour for the first fifty kilometers. After that, you can accelerate a car up to the mark of sixty kilometers per hour. Further, every hundred kilometers of the way, increase the speed of the car by ten kilometers per hour. Also, monitor the growth of the compression level. If it is not there, it is worth sending your car for a second diagnosis. Also, try not to make any sudden acceleration and braking.
  • And in conclusion, I would like to wish you to do engine overhaul as seldom as possible. And if, all the same, it was necessary, then have an easy overhaul. Don’t forget flowers and oil for your nearest and dearest hearts – and happiness to you!
  • The engine of the car is one of the main parts, which occupies most of the space under the hood. Its work fully depends on the ability of the car to perform its main task – to drive, to transport people and goods.

Also, see the topic: https://junkcarsus.com/article/engine-rebuild-cost-is-rebuilding-an-engine-worth-it

  • The condition of the engine is directly related to operating conditions, care, and mileage. Every motorist knows that over time, the parts inside the internal combustion engine are triggered and need to be replaced. In this case, it is necessary to make overhaul a worn-out engine in the garage with your own hands.